Are you looking for a new Business Venture?
KLife products were only initially introduced to Kleeneze as a trail during early 2014. Proving so popular with distributors as well as customers, Kleeneze decided to roll out its very own catalogue. We now have a large product range including, home trends, like cushions, bedding, curtains, ornaments, furniture, lighting. Trending Kitchen and baking essentials. A small clothing range for adults and children. Jewellery and much, much more. We even have our very own well-being range which has some of the most sought-after products in the world! If you've not had a chance to look at some of our fabulous KLife items please take a quick look at the catalogue on the right-hand side of this page or click here to view on video.

Let's look at what Klife can offer you!
Let's look at what KLife can offer you!
A simple work from home business
You can work your business, online or you can combine it with our popular catalogue method. The choice is yours
You can pick your own hours
Flexibility to work around your family
Ongoing expansion in Europe
Backing of JRJR Networks - Kleeneze's Owners
You have the option of building an unlimited, residual income
Continuous expansion with massive income potential.
The chance to meet new people and make new friends.
Performance incentives like overseas travel cash rewards, a car incentive and much more