A Business that can be FUN!

Kleeneze Business ~ Great fun helping each other achieve our goals!
January 7th 2017 ....what an incredible day that was.
In fact the WHOLE WEEKEND was such a great experience, especially being able to spend it with such a fantastic, inspirational bunch of people!
Meet some of the team....... as you can see we have a diverse range of people in our Kleeneze Business with ages ranging from 20yrs to 60yrs.
However, the saying 'Age has no barriers' is certainly true in our case!
We travelled to the ICC at Birmingham for the Kleeneze Business New Year Showcase from all corners of the UK.....Scotland.....Dublin.....Cornwall and Kent.....not to mention many places in between.
For some of us, this was the first time we'd actually met in the flesh but we felt so comfortable in each other's company (most likely due to us all having a common goal - to succeed in our Kleeneze Business)
We spent a fabulous social weekend together, wining and dining...laughing and dancing in true Kleeneze Business style!
We have regular online meetings to keep in touch and share inspirational ideas for success on our Kleeneze journey and the Team Spirit is so motivational and brings super training to you in the comfort of your own home!
Everyone encourages & supports each other in a way you would never find in a normal job situation and this is what makes running a Kleeneze Business so special.
We have plenty of room in our team for new people to join us on our road to a better future.
If you would like to know more about us and how starting your own Kleeneze Business could work for you please message me or call/text me on 07789 593586 and I'll get right back to you!
You can find my Kleeneze Business Page on Facebook by clicking here